Thursday, 24 April 2014

Psyllium is A Very Helpful Soluble Given by Nature

Plantago ovata seeds
Psyllium is the common name that is used for the several members belonging to the plant genus Plantago. The seeds of this plant are used in producing commercial mucilage. It’s also known as a laxative that treats diarrhea, anal fissures, colon cancer, gas, obesity, endoscopy preparation, inflammatory bowel disease, induction of labor/abortion, high cholesterol, constipation, hemorrhoids, fat excretion in stool and irritable bowel syndrome.

Psyllium, once a native of the Mediterranean region and West Asia, now a day’s common in India grown across the globe. Psyllium fiber helps in propelling cholesterol, sugar, fats and food in a clean manner through the digestive system. Contributing to a healthy heart.

Psyllium Is Available In Many Forms
As Fiber: As a soluble fiber, it is used primarily to form a gentle bulk formation of laxative in products like Metamucil. Though this shrub grows around the world, it is very common in India. In fact, each plant is able to produce 15,000 tiny gel coated seeds. The Psyllium husk is derived from these seeds.

As Husk Powder: Psyllium husk powder is a natural fiber that is water-soluble with ability to add bulk to your diet. Each serving (one rounded furnished spoon) of this powder is approximate 3 grams of soluble fiber. It is 100% pure with no flavors, sugar or additives.

As Powder: Over the years gluten baked goods have been used Organic Psyllium Powder in the mixtures. The powder is a laxative fiber. It absorbs the water and swelling inside the intestines. Thus, helping the stool to form the bulk consistency so it can pass easily. It also treats constipation and restores regularity.

Benefits of Psyllium
Husk: Psyllium husk aids in reducing high blood cholesterol and glucose levels that associate with diabetes and heart disease. On forming as a gel, it reduces the uptake of sugar and fats from the food maintaining the cholesterol and blood glucose levels after a meal. It is also beneficial in constipation and diarrhea and alleviates symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Husk Powder: Psyllium husk powder is a true dietary fiber, though classified as a laxative is a convenient form for in taking dietary fiber thanks to the high mucilage content. On adding to liquid it tends to swell considerably, hence; supports healthy gastrointestinal transit time.

Fiber: As a soluble fiber Psyllium has a lot of benefits like lowering cholesterol, helps reduce hemorrhoids, control’s weight, manages digestive health, reduces acid reflux, manages blood sugar levels, helps maintain regularity during pregnancy and eases constipation.

Powder: Psyllium powder acts like a lipid lowering agent in the body of people with high cholesterol level. The linoleic acid level and the high amount of the soluble fiber available in it helps in promoting bile acids in the body, known for lowering the cholesterol levels.

It is a safe, effective product that helps reduce IBS (predominant symptom of constipation and diarrhea) and LDL cholesterol. Help retain your hydration on consuming daily for an 8 ounce dose per day. Feel safe to add it in your health supplements; of course you should take advice from your doctor for dosage.

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